betatron ne demek?

  1. Elektronları hızlandıran elektromanyetik bir araç.
  2. Çekirdek ile ilgili araştırmalarda kullanılan yüksek hızlı elektron veren cihaz.
  3. Yun. Fiz: Elektronları hızlandıran elektromanyetik bir alet.
  4. Serbest elektronları hızlandıran ve istenilen yerde X ışınları elde etmeye yarayan elektromagnetik aygıt.
  5. (en)Accelerates a continuous beam of electrons to high speeds by means of the electric field produced by changing magnetic flux.
  6. (en)Particle accelerator in which magnetic induction is used to accelerate electrons.
  7. (en)Device that accelerates electrons by means of the transformer principle.
  8. (en)Large doughnut-shaped accelerator in which electrons are whirled through a changing magnetic field gaining speed with each trip and emerging with high energies Energies of the order of 100 million electron volts have been achieved The betatron produces artificial beta radiation.
  9. (en)Typically motion of a particle in the non-accelerating planes, or what is usually referred to as the 'bend' planes, of a circular accelerator is described as betatron motion Since the 'forward' direction of the particles motion is the 'plane' in which acceleration occurs, motion that occurs up or down , or motion that occurs to the left or right , is referred to as betatron motion The reason these are referred to as planes is because we usually discuss things in terms of the 'phase space' described by the particles in a particular plane Of course things really are not so simple and orthogonal There are couplings which are possible between the different planes of motion.
  10. (en)Betatron.
  11. (en)B.
  12. (fr)Bêtatron
  13. (fr)B
  14. Elektronlari hizlandirma makinesi
  15. Betatron, bir çeşit elektron makinası.

betatron oscillatlon

  1. Betatron salinimi

betatron salinimi

  1. (en)Betatron oscillatlon

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

betatron oscillatlonbetatron salinimibetatbetaterapibetatersbetatopicbetatopikbetabeta adrenergic receptorbeta adrenergic receptor agonistbeta adrenergic receptorsbeta adrenerjik
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