below stairs ne demek?

  1. Alt katta, hizmetçilerin arasında

below standard

  1. Ayarsız

below selected item

  1. Seçili Öğenin Altında


  1. Merdiven, merdivenler

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

below standardbelow selected itembelow selectionbelow smbbelow smb.belowbelow averagebelow bar codebelow decksbelow expectationsbelow groundbelow itembelow messagesbelow normalbelow pairbelo horizontebelocircbelomancybelonebelone acusstairsstairstair railstair teethstaircasestaircase wavestaidstaidlystaidnessstaight line depreciationstainstastabstab in the backstab s.o. in the backstab smb. in the back
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