bahai sect ne demek?

  1. Bahai mezhebi, İslam'ın insan eşŸitliğŸi ve dünya barışŸını destekleyen bir mezhebi

bahai center

  1. Bahai merkezi, Bahai dininin merkezi


  1. Bahailik yanlısı kimse.
  2. Şerefli, şanlı, şöhretli.
  3. (en)There are upwards of 20,000 Bahais in the United States.
  4. (en)Member of the sect of the Babis consisting of the adherents of Baha , the elder half brother of Mirza Yahya of Nur, who succeeded the Bab as the head of the Babists.
  5. (en)Teacher of or believer in Bahaism of or relating to Bahaism.
  6. (en)Baha in 1863 declared himself the supreme prophet of the sect, and became its recognized head.
  7. (en)Teacher of or believer in Bahaism.
  8. (en)Of or relating to Bahaism.
  9. Bahai; Bahai mezhebine mensup olan
  10. Bahai; Bahai inancı öğŸreticisi; Bahai inancı üyesi; Bahai'ye bağŸlı, Bahai'ye sadık, Bahai yandaşŸı (Yazılışı: baha'i)


  1. Mezhep, hizip, tarikat, cemaat
  2. Fırka, mezhep
  3. Aynı meslek taraftan kimseler.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

bahai centerbahaibahailikbahaimbahaismbahabahaberbahaberanbahadarbahaddinbahsectsectariansectarianismsectarysectilesectilitysectionsection breaksection gangsection headingsecsec belgelerisec documentssec.seca
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