antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody ne demek?

  1. Anca


  1. Böylece, bu biçimde.
  2. O kadar, öyle.
  3. Orası, ora, orada.
  4. (en)Freshly.
  5. (en)Just.
  6. (en)Narrowly.
  7. (en)Scarcely.
  8. (en)So much.
  9. (en)That much.
  10. (en)Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody Found as cANCA or pANCA The former is found in Wegener's granulomatosis whereas the latter is more non-specific.


  1. KarşŸıt nötron, nötronun karşŸıt parçacık eşŸi olan tanecik (Fizik)
  2. Antinotron,


  1. KarşŸıt nötrino, nötrino karşŸıt parçacığŸı (Fizik)
  2. Antinotrino.


  1. Hücre protoplazması
  2. Sitoplazma ile ilgili
  3. Bkz. sitoplazmik


  1. Bağışıklık proteini
  2. Bkz. antikor
  3. Kana dışarıdan giren yabancı cisimlere karşı koyan madde

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

antineutronantineutrinoantineuralgicantineuriticantineuritic vitamincytoplasmiccytoplasmic dropletcytoplasmic genecytoplasmic hibridcytoplasmic inheritancecytoplasmic membranecytoplasmic pumping hypothesiscytoplasmic streaming hypothesiscytoplasmic vacuolar systemcytoplasmic vacuolecytoplasmcytoplasma
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