ahi ne demek?

  1. Ahilik ocağından olan kimse.
  2. Cömert.
  3. Alçak gönüllü.
  4. Kardeş.
  5. Arkadaş, dost.
  6. Erkek kardeş.
  7. Cömert, eliaçık.
  8. Yiğit, cömert, konuksever.
  9. Kardeşim.
  10. (en)An acronym for 'I will uphold integration,' this militia operates in Ailiu.
  11. (en)Animal Health Institute.
  12. (en)Ahi tuna is simply yellowfin tuna It is a term used in Hawaii to describe this variety of tuna which is distinguished from the other variety of tuna, known as bluefin.
  13. (en)The Animal Health Institute is the U S trade association that represents manufacturers of animal health care products -- the pharmaceuticals, vaccines and feed additives used to produce a safe supply of meat, milk and eggs, and veterinary medicines.
  14. (en)The Hawaiian name for both Yellowfin and Bigeye tuna Often prepared as Sashimi.


  1. Dostlar, arkadaşlar. (Bak: Habib)


  1. 1. bir şeyin yerine getirilmesini emretmek. 2. söz vermek. emir, talimat, taahhüt, anlaşma, yükümlülük.
  2. Kutsal anlaşma, söz verme.
  3. Seninle muahede eden.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

ahibbaahidahidşikenahikamahilahilikahillaahilognoziahimsaahinahah alan onmazah almakah aralığıah çekmek
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