afisit ne demek?

  1. Yaprak bitlerine karşı kullanılan ilaç.
  2. (en)Aphicide.
  3. (en)Aficide.


  1. Gümüş balığının küçüğü.
  2. (en)Automated Fingerprint I D System.
  3. (en)Automated Fingerprint Identification System A system originally developed for use by law enforcement agencies, which compares a single fingerprint with a database of fingerprint images Subsequent developments have seen its use in commercial applications, where a client or customer has their finger image compared with existing personal data by placing a finger on a scanner, or by the scanning of inked paper impressions.
  4. (en)Automated flight inspection system.
  5. (en)Airborne Flight Info System.
  6. (en)Automated flight information system.
  7. (en)Air Force Intelligence Service.

afis tahtasi

  1. (en)Posterboard

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

afisafis tahtasiafisle duyurafiafi kesmekafibrilerafibrinogenemiaafibrinojenemi
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